Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Day One

I arrived in Salt Lake yesterday around 10:30AM MST. My mom and step-dad picked us up from the airport and I was tired. I had been up since 5AM EST and had 4 carry-on items plus the dog and Gavin. It was rough and I was nervous about finally getting here. My sister, Natalie, had told me to prepare myself to see my Dad because he has gone down hill quite a bit in the last 3 weeks.

After stopping in at my childhood home in West Valley, (it always seems strange going back there now that I'm an adult) my Mom drove me to Nat's house where they dropped my Dad off a few hours earlier. It is always nice to go to my sister's house. She is so nice and always treats you like you are staying in a 5 star hotel.

I was very shocked to see my Dad. I haven't seen him in 2 1/2 years and he is very thin and fraile. They said he looked better today than he has in weeks, it was hard to imagine. For those who don't know...this is what my brother Randy has posted on my Dad's condition:

My father, John Jacobs, was diagnosed 12/1/10 as having cancer in his spine. He currently is paralyzed from the navel down. The doctors say he will probably die just before, or just after the holidays. (He could live longer, but the odds are against it.) The expected progression of the disease is that the cancer will continue to spread, cause paralysis of organs, which will ultimately cause his body to fail.

He is in good spirits and lucid. Gratefully, he is ready to graduate from this life, and see all his family members that have preceded and await him. He feels God's peace and grace, and is content.

In late October, he had a urinary tract infection. He did not regain his strength, as he had after previous infections. After a brief period in early November during which he was too weak to stand without assistance, he was able to walk with assistance through 11/24/10. Loss of feeling in and motor control of his legs began on 11/27/10, which led to hospitalization, and discovery of the cancer.

Today I was able to feed my Dad, help him take his medications, wipe his eyes, help him to sit up, rub his arms and give his legs a rub down to help with circulation. (The RN said that it might be more for my comfort than for his.) I've cried a few times and so has my sister and my Dad. He has told me that he loves me and is so glad that I am here with him. There is so many emotions going through me right now and I feel like I am in the place I need to be.

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