Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Sick and Tired of Being Sick

If anyone hasn't heard about our September, Karl and I ended up getting Bronchitis and the boys came down with bad colds and coughs. I swear that whole month someone in our house was sick. I thought we'd paid our dues...WRONG.

In December, Gavin got shots and his 2 year check-up. The doctor asked me about getting flu mists for both Conner and Gavin. (I've always thought they MADE you sick instead of preventing it.) I felt like a horrible mother declining the doctor's insistence that I have them administered. I eventually was brow-beat into doing it and we were off.

Along comes January 25th...I woke up very early with the stomach flu. I was out the whole day with things coming out both directions, it lasted 24 hours. I thought luck was with me because I was sick on Sunday, therefore I didn't have to miss my babysitting duties the next day...again I was WRONG.

Thursday morning came along and CJay and Karl came down with the same thing I had 4 days prior. I had to "call in" sick and kept all babies that weren't mine away.
Thursday night came and I thought we were in the clear because at least that darn flu mist was going to pay off after all because Conner and Gavin hadn't gotten sick. Think again!!!! Gavin started in at 11PM just as I was getting into bed and I was up with him most of the night.

My 4 hours of sleep ended dreadfully Friday morning when I woke up to Conner throwing up. I "called in sick" again and my babysitting duty had to accompany his mother to work that day (add guilt to the party). Mind you...Karl was still not feeling well so he couldn't help with the children and so I had 3 sickos (probably not the best word)to take care of. One bright spot was that CJay was feeling great and went to school that day.

Saturday comes and we were all beginning to feel normal. (Sigh)

Sunday came and after I attended Stake Conference I came home with a migraine that lasted until I feel asleep that night. I guess I'd had too much stress recently or something.

Monday morning I woke without a headache, which I was extremely grateful for, but I came down with a sore throat later that day.

Tuesday I still had the sore throat, but I now had started to develop a horrible stuffy nose.

Today, Wednesday, I still can't breathe and I just want to shoot myself! Okay, not really.

Btw, Karl was both an excellent nurse when I was sick and patient when he was sick. What would I do without him.


Matt "Hacksaw" said...

I'm so sorry Conni, I hate being sick. The really sad part is that the flu hasn't been around much this year, yet. Maybe you guys are the first group to get it. Hope you feel better.

Matt "Hacksaw" said...

Conni, cutting hair really isn't that hard, and Gavin and Conner are young enough that a little trial and error wouldn't be too bad . . .

Brooke said...

conni, that sucks. but the good news is, you are the best mom ever.

mom said...

Conni, I am finally on!! So sorry about all the sickness. Hope Gavin is better now! love mom