Thursday, April 16, 2009

A story about Amish cheese...

I don't know what it is with Amish cheese, but I swear it has a mind of it's own!!

It all started last year. We stopped in at one of our FAVORITE places in Northern Pennslyvania, The Shillig House! Where we used to live has several Amish communities in the area and the Shilligs have become good friends with a number of them. From what I've observed, most familes develop a specialty and everyone else in the community comes to you for the need you speacialze in. One particular family, which I only know as "Annie's", has a small store in their basement. Every other Thursday they receive cheese sold in large bricks/logs or any quantity you want them to cut for you. We bought a fairly large quantity, this particular visit, which is way cheaper than you'd get at the store and is awesomely good! We put it in the Shillig's fridge until we left guessed it! We forgot it. I was so sad that I almost asked them to ship it to me, FedEX. :) (YW Troy) Needless to say, I'm sure they got a lot of use out of it so it softened the blow, a little.

A couple weeks ago, we decided to take another trip up to Genesee and by goodness, I was getting and bringing home my cheese this time! We went to the Amish store last Saturday, which is really cool btw, and I got about 3 lbs of Colby Jack cheese in a 1ft long log. I was so excited! We got back to the Shillig's and I put it in their fridge and told everyone to remind us to take it home. I even wrote myself a little note for packing time. Julie was cooking Easter dinner Sunday and was shredding her cheese in the food processer. I thought that was a great idea and asked if I could shred some of ours. I got it out and started shreddin'. I did half the log and put it all back in the fridge.

5 o'clock came and it was time to leave. Karl had already set the cheese bag by the door and it made it into the car...whoohoo! Unfortunately this tale doesn't have a complete happy ending so stop now if you are sqeamish. On the 6+ hour drive home Conner started in just after the first hour by saying that he felt sick and thought he might throw up. We turned off the video he was watching and had him close his passed. Gavin hadn't slept well for his nap that day and didn't eat well at dinner just before we left. He was fast asleep through through all of Conner's drama. We had just gotten out of a state forest, Gavin woke up and within 15 minutes was throwing up all over himself and his car seat. Karl immediately pulled over and we tried our best to clean up the mess...gross! We wrapped all the soiled things in a blanket CJay brought and realized that we needed a bag...the cheese bag! CJay dumped all the cheese out and after about 20 minutes, we were on our way again. Needless to say Gavin had a couple more episodes for the duration of the drive and Karl's neat packing job was a total mess.

We got home, finally, and we unpacked the car. Karl came to me and said, "I can't find the rest of the cheese log, did you bring it in?" I hadn't and we re-checked all our bags and the car. Gone. The only thing we can come up with is that it must have rolled out of the back of the 4Runner sometime during the trip. Long story, short...we still haven't gotten home with all of our Amish cheese. We'll try again next time. At least I still have the bag I shredded, right?!


lance said...

That's so sad! Maybe gavin ate the log...if you eat your weight in cheese it may make you sick

Jodi said...

Oh shoot! Losing the cheese is bad, but the throwing up in the car thing is bad too. We've been there! Yuck!

Matt "Hacksaw" said...

I feel your pain. Cheese is my favorite food.