Monday, March 30, 2009

How much is that toddler in the chassis rack?

As many of you know, Karl and I are professional geeks by trade. Much to my horror and surprise, a few years back his work was getting rid of some old equipment and Karl brought home this "gem" as he put it. Now, usually I don't care what kind of computer related equipment he brings into the house, but with our limited space these days...this one was hard to take in.

We've managed to incorporate it and Gavin has found another good use for it...his own personal "hiding" place. As you can see from the picture, he isn't getting much hiding done. :)


Matt "Hacksaw" said...

chassis rack/boy kennel. Either way it gets the job done. Karl can tell you how we used to hang out in the cupboards all the time growing up. Good times.

Jamie said...

Hi Gavin! lookin cute!